Competition tasks
Task 11 ver3
With given a limited amount of fuel, competitors must: fly as long as
possible (in the defined airspace). Remember, flying is in G class, no airspace
is reserved for you, look carefully around!
Competitors will be given:
- A specified weight or volume of fuel; allowance: double seaters: 10kg,
single seater 8kg.
- The location of the airspace for duration
The task will start with a standard Deck Takeoff (north deck) according
to marshals signals.
Landing at airfield Włocławek Kruszyn on runway in use, no points for
landing. After completing the landing the competitor will be required to enter
a Quarantine area for checking (seals only). Crew can land with engine off, no
fuel limit to remain after landing. Open window for take off will be defined
and pulished.
A proper look-out must be kept at all times. An aircraft joining another
in a thermal shall circle in the same direction as that established by the
first regardless of height separation.
There will be two given cylinders: small and
big. The small one covers the vicinity of airfield. It is 400meters above the
airfield and 1,6 km (radius) from ARP 52 35'05'' N 19 00' 56'' E,
the big one is 17,6 km radius from ARP. Maximum altitude to fly is 7000 ft AGL
TIME of duration: time starts when leaving
small cylinder, time stops while reentering small cylinder first time.



The following penalties will

- Takeoff deck penalty: 20%
- Breach of Quarantine: 100% (0 points)
- Flight outside given big cylinder: 100% (0 points)
- Outlanding: 100% (0 points)
- Duration scores will be divided
into one hour steps and scores shall accrue thus:
- 1 = 5
- 2 = 4
- 3 = 3
- 4 = 2
- 5 and
above = 1 point/min
Competitor score = (Competitor duration score/ max duration score
achieved) x 1000
task 8, 9 ver2
Navigation 1&2 with known track boxes and curves
Crews must fly from SP following
the lines on map as accurately as possible to FP.
There are photo features and
ground markers to spot along the whole course. Length: 150km, two tasks in one
Starting procedure: according to start list; N departure procedure; fly not higher than 1750ft QFE this is upper limit due, among
others, agreement with military side.
Before flight in Quarantine crews
will be given:
sheet (in local time only for first task from SP to
sheets (set1 from SP to FP1/SP2 9photos, set2
from FP1/SP2 to FP – 9 photos true and false)
description of TP
Important! Don’t forget to leave
your declaration sheet . Give it to the marshal before starting up your engine.
Crews fly the given course from
SP to FP1, and from SP2 to FP, identifying the location of photo features and
ground markers. There can be unknown tracking and timing gates anywhere along
the course between SP and FP1/SP2, according to declared times. Between SP1 and FP
can be only tracking gates. There will be two “boxes” on the route, in
which crew can fly as convenient, but moving forward (no circling, no backtracking according centerline of the box). There are no gates
in the boxes. The point is to find in the box ground features – markers and
photo objects, however they might be along the whole task route. Time to spend in first box is maximum 6 minutes, in second box maximum 7 minutes. First box is 2km wide, second 2,2
km wide. On TP1 and TP 3 make one minute procedure turn. From TP6 to TP7 fly along the road northbound. After crossing FP crews
must proceed directly back to the airfield using standard arrival procedure S. LANDING in south deck powered
precision landing with full stop on deck. When crossing extended line of
departure deck, make sure, nobody is taking off.
Standard after landing navigation
task quarantine procedure will apply, Group nr one will be asked to join
briefing room, after giving back loggers and maps, they will stay there until
last task is given.
Crossing starting / final gate
=100 points
Crossing SP, FP, timing gates on
time = 100 points – 5 points per second over +/- 5 seconds from calculated time.
Spending time in the
box more than 6 minutes = - 5 points per second
over +5 seconds.
Each correctly identified ground
feature marked within 3mm on official scoring map = 50 points. If greater than
3mm but less than 5mm = 0 points. If greater than 5mm = - 50 points.
Each tracking gate correctly
passed = 100 points
Flying out of the box= - 200
Competitor’s score = Q/Qmax x
1000 where:
Q= Competitor’s individual
accumulated score
Qmax = best individual
accumulated score in task/class
Generic navigation task penalties
will apply (100% penalty for
Flying higher than 1750ft QFE of Kruszyn 20% penalty
8,9 20.08
1&2 with known track boxes and curves
Crews must fly from SP following the lines on map as accurately as
possible to FP.
There are photo features and ground markers to spot along the whole
course. Length: 150km, two tasks in one flight.
procedure: according to start list; N departure procedure.
Before flight in Quarantine crews will be given:
- Task
- Declaration
sheet (in local time)
- Photo
sheets (set1 from SP to FP1/SP2, set2 from FP1/SP2 to FP – true and false)
- Detail
description of TP
Important! Don’t forget to leave your declaration sheet . Give it to the
marshal before starting up your engine.
Crews fly the given course from SP to FP1, and from SP2 to FP,
identifying the location of photo features and ground markers. There can be
unknown tracking and timing gates anywhere along the entire course, according to
declared times. There will be two “boxes” on the route, in which crew can fly
as convenient, but moving forward (no circling, no backtracking). There are no
gates in the boxes. The point is to find in the box ground features – markers
and photo objects, however they might be along the whole task route. Time to spend in first box is exactly 6
minutes, in second box exactly 7 minutes. First box is 2km wide, second 2,2 km
wide. On TP1 and TP 3 make one minute procedure turn. From TP6 to TP7 fly along the road northbound. After
crossing FP crews must proceed directly back to the airfield using standard
arrival procedure S. LANDING in south
deck powered precision landing with fullstop on deck. When crossing
extended line of departure deck, make sure, nobody is taking off.
Standard after landing navigation task quarantine procedure will apply,
Group nr one will be asked to join briefing room, after giving back loggers and
maps, they will stay there until last task is given.
Crossing starting / final gate =100 points
Crossing SP, FP, timing gates on time = 100 points – 5 points per second
over +/- 5 seconds from calculated time
Each correctly identified ground feature marked within 3mm on official
scoring map = 50 points. If greater than 3mm but less than 5mm = 0 points. If
greater than 5mm = - 50 points.
Each tracking gate correctly passed = 100 points
Flying out of the box= - 200 points
Competitor’s score = Q/Qmax x 1000 where:
Q= Competitor’s individual accumulated score
Qmax = best individual accumulated score in task/class
Generic navigation task penalties will apply (ex. 100% penalty for
Task nr 1 ver3:
with partially unknown track: LADDERS, BLUE route
To fly an accurate track and groundspeed, spot the position of photo
features and ground markers, some of them – letters only - will
determine when to switch from one given track-line to the next.
maximum length: 180 km
Starting procedure:
according to start list; S departure
Before flight in Quarantine crews will be given:
Task map
Photo sheets (photos are true and false)
The given course consists of few given lines –“Ladder”. From SP the
crews follow the first line until a ground letter marker feature is found. To
this point crews construct a line at 90 degrees from the next given line, as on picture, make
procedure turn and fly to the other side of the ladder, procedure turn again
and continue, repeating every time a feature is found. Every time make
procedure turn on new found turnpoint, 1 minute for that. This continues until
fly on the last ladder line, when letter marker is found, construct a straight
line to given TP8, fly direct, without procedure turn. From TP8 follow the
given known track, keeping declared ground speed! On known track will be timing gate as told on briefing, according to average speed.
Additionally there may be photo features and ground markers (not
letters) to spot on the whole task truck – These are not turnpoints, only the
letter features found on the given ladder lines are turnpoints.
For safety reasons, the entire course should be flown at a pre-declared
groundspeed. SP will be known timing gate, a number of additional unknown
timing gates will be on the course between TP8 and FP, according to declared
speed. After crossing FP crews must proceed directly back to the airfield using
standard arrival procedure N.
Standard after landing Navigation task quarantine procedure will apply.
Crossing starting / final gate =100 points
Crossing SP and subsequent timing gates = 100 points – 5 points per
second over +/- 5 seconds from calculated time. Procedure turn for todays task MUST be 1 minute turn + / - 10 seconds, deviation more than that will be penalised 5 points for second.
Each correctly identified photo feature marked within 3mm on official
scoring map = 50 points. If greater than 3mm but less than5mm = 0 points. If
greater than 5mm = -50 points.
Each tracking gate: 100 points
Competitor’s score = Q/Qmax x 1000 where:
Q= Competitor’s individual accumulated score
Qmax = best individual accumulated score in task/class
Generic navigation task penalties apply.
Turn points: SP – church, TP8
– church, TP9 – crossroad, FP – crossroad; TP1 – TP7 – to find.Task nr 2:
The objective is for the aircraft to touch down within a marked deck, as
close to the start of
the deck as possible, and stop within the deck.
This task simulates a landing on an aircraft carrier deck, the deck
being a deck 100 metres
long and 25 metres wide. The first 25-metre section of the deck is
divided into five 5 metre
strips which are scored from 250 to 50 points. The remainder of the deck
25 points. In order to score the main wheels must touch down in a
particular strip and the
aircraft must come to a complete halt within the marked deck.
This task will end a prior task (navigation). Instructions for joining
the aerodrome circuit will be provided in the instructions for the prior task.
Remember to pass the final gate!
Once the aircraft has started its final approach no deviation of over 90
degrees from the deck
centerline either in the air or on the ground is permitted. The pilot
may choose whatever
engine setting he chooses or may switch off the engine. The aircraft
must come to a complete standstill and must not move until instructedto do so
by a marshal.
The score will be the value of the strip in which both main wheels touch down.
The pilot will be scored zero if:
- Any part of the aircraft touches the ground before the deck
- The aircraft turns by more than 90 degrees from the deck centerline
between starting the
landing approach and coming to a standstill
- The aircraft does not stop within the limits of the deck.
- The aircraft moves from the deck before instructed to do so by a
- The aircraft is unable to taxi or take off unaided following the
touchdown although failure
to start the engine will not incur a penalty
Maximum score: 250
Task nr : 3
with known track ZIGZAC (GS on legs declaration) ver 2
Follow the given track accurately, whilst spotting the position of photo
features and ground markers. The route has known timing gates (KTG) – they will
be exactly on TPs. The route has a tunnel with width and height restrictions.
maximum length: 170km
Starting procedure:
according to start list; N departure
Before flight in Quarantine crews will be given:
- - Task
- -Declaration
sheet (GS)
- -Photo
sheets (photos are true and false)
- detail description of TP
Don’t forget to leave your declaration sheet to the marshal before
starting up your engine.
Detail description:
Crews fly the given course from SP to FP, identifying the location of
photo features and ground markers – which can be anywhere along the entire
course, between SP and FP. The task has known timing gates – all TP. Crews will predict their ground speed on each leg. Time will go forward, it means if you predict from your speed be at turnpoint
for ex. at 10.25, next leg begins from 11.25, if procedure turn was obligatory.
The task has also unknown timing gates – according to declared GS – everywhere
on course. Task is a Zigzac, so on TP5, TP6, TP7, TP8, TP9 and TP10 obligatory
make 1 minute procedure turn! It means you have to add 1 minute to calculating
time on track. Between TP9 and TP10 is a tunnel, 300 meters wide, minimum height
to fly is 200 m height on QFE of
Wloclawek, maximum: 500 m. After crossing FP crews must proceed directly back
to the airfield using standard arrival procedure S. Landing in deck, according to landing task sheet. Attention! Between TP 9, TP10 and FP
your track is corrected by hand, be sure to follow the proper track.
Standard after landing Navigation task quarantine procedure will apply.
Crossing starting / final gate =100 points
Crossing SP, FP and known / unknown timing gates on time = 100 points –
5 points per second over +/- 5 seconds from calculated / predicted time
Tracking gates passed correctly =
100pts each
Flying in tunnel boundaries = 300 points, each leaving out of tunnel
(up, down or side) = -100 points*
Each correctly identified photo / ground
marker feature marked within 3mm on official scoring map = 50 points. If
greater than 3mm but less than 5mm = 0 points. If greater than 5mm = -50
Competitor’s score = Q/Qmax x 1000 where: Q= Competitor’s individual
accumulated score
Qmax = best individual accumulated score in task/class
Penalties as per generic navigation task penalties.
* maximum penalty -300 points.
Task nr : 4
The objective is for the aircraft to touch down within a marked deck, as close to the start of
the deck as possible, and stop within the deck.
This task simulates a landing on an aircraft carrier deck, the deck being a deck 100 metres
long and 25 metres wide. The first 25-metre section of the deck is divided into five 5 metre
strips which are scored from 250 to 50 points. The remainder of the deck scores
25 points. In order to score the main wheels must touch down in a particular strip and the
aircraft must come to a complete halt within the marked deck.
This task will end a prior task (navigation). Instructions for joining the aerodrome circuit will be provided in the instructions for the prior task. Remember to pass the final gate!
Once the aircraft has started its final approach no deviation of over 90 degrees from the deck
centerline either in the air or on the ground is permitted. The pilot may choose whatever
engine setting he chooses or may switch off the engine. The aircraft must come to a complete standstill and must not move until instructedto do so by a marshal.
The score will be the value of the strip in which both main wheels touch down.
The pilot will be scored zero if:
- Any part of the aircraft touches the ground before the deck
- The aircraft turns by more than 90 degrees from the deck enterline between starting the
landing approach and coming to a standstill
- The aircraft does not stop within the limits of the deck.
- The aircraft moves from the deck before instructed to do so by a marshal
- The aircraft is unable to taxi or take off unaided following the touchdown although failure
to start the engine will not incur a penalty
Maximum score: 250
Task nr : 5
Triangle and Speed
With limited Fuel competitors must fly a triangular course with the
objectiveof creating a triangle of maximum possible area. The course of first
leg will be given – marked on the map, it will be a speed
leg, with points for fast speed. Second leg will be a speedleg, with
points for slow speed.
Starting procedure :
S , open window, take off from the north deck, according to marshalls signals
(white flag up, after correct line up).
Detail description:
The task will start and finish at the point SP/FP, which is defined as S
point (yellow bridge), it is a gate 500 meters wide. The other two turnpoints
will form the corners of the triangle which competitors may choose freely –
providing tracks will not infringe any no flyzones. These two free turnpoints
will be the points where the two consecutive sidesof the triangle intersect,
when a precision turn is performed, oothe new leg crosses the previous leg.
First track is given, it is a corridor, 500 meters wide.
On return FP might be crossed in
any direction, but the track legs has to cross
on FP to build the corner. The area within the triangle created by SP/FP and
the two free turnpoints will
be calculated to determine the triangle area score.The first leg will be
a fast speed leg. Timing will start at SP/FP and finish at theintersection of
the first two legs, before the start of the precision turn. The second leg with
points for slowest speed – time will start at theintersection of the first two
legs, after the precision turnand finish at theintersection of the last two
legs, before the start of the precision turn.The task MUST be flown Clockwise. Avoid turning too tightly as
this may encourage logger dropouts.
After crossing FP return to Wloclawek, using standard S arrival
procedure. Landing in deck, or if there is another traffic, parallel to the
decks, on runway heading in use, keep good lookout for another traffic!
After landing fuel remaining to check in quarantine must be not less than 2 liters.
Fuel allowance:
WL2, AL2, GL2 = 10Kg
WL1 AL1 = 8Kg
Competitors score = (competitors area/best area x400) + (competitor
speed/fastest speed x 300) +(competitor speed/slowest speed x 300)
As per generic Economy task penalties.
No fly zones:Competitors must avoid all controlled airspace, MATZ and no
fly zones.
precision landing with stopping distance, timed
The objective is for the aircraft to touch down within a marked deck, as
close to the start of the deck aspossible, coming to a halt in as short
distance as possible, and touch down as close as possible to the full minute.
Time from take off to landing is tree minutes.
This task simulates a landing on an aircraft carrier deck, the deck
being a deck 100 meters long and 25meters wide. The first 25-metre section of
the deck is divided into five 5 meter strips which are scored from 250 to 50
points as shown. The remainder of the deck scores 25 points. In order to score
the main wheels must touch down in a particular strip (PS) and the aircraft
must come to a complete halt within the 100-metredeck, as close to the start of
the deck as possible (PD) and as close to the full minute (PT). Additional
points will be scored if the scoring touchdown takes place at or near an exact
full minute as indicated by the competition clock, eg. 11:31:00 hrs is a full
minute, 11:31 17 hrs is not.
Take off
will be according starting list. Take off according marshal instruction (white
flag up), take off at full minute and flight duration 3 minutes. North aerodrome circuit.
Once the aircraft has started its final approach no deviation of over 90
degrees from the deck centerline either in the air or on the ground is
permitted. The pilot may choose whatever engine setting he chooses or may
switch off the engine. After landing the
aircraft must come to a complete standstill and switch off the engine and
must not move until instructed to do so by a marshal. The distance will be then
The score will be the value of the strip in which both main wheels touch
down (PS) plus the distance
between the finish of the deck and the closest wheel, scored 1 point per
whole meter (PD) and plus points for timing (PT). Touching down on a dividing
line scores the higher of the two strips.
The pilot will be scored zero if:
- Any part of the aircraft touches the ground before the deck
- The aircraft turns by more than 90 degrees from the deck centerline
between starting the landing
approach and coming to a standstill
- The aircraft does not stop within the limits of the deck.
- The aircraft moves from the deck before instructed to do so by a
- The aircraft is unable to taxi or take off unaided following the
touchdown although failure to start theengine will not incur a penalty
Thus the score calculation will be (PS + PD+PT) x 250/450 with a maximum
score of 250
The penalty
for failing to take off within the deck will be 20% .
TASK 12 18.08
The objective is for the aircraft to take off over and clear an
obstacle, starting the take off run
as close to the obstacle as possible.
This task simulates a short field take off over a hedge, the hedge being
represented by a tape stretched across the runway 1 meter above the ground. The distance will be measured from the
center of the foremost wheel and rounded up to the nearest 0.1 meter. The
aircraft must the take off over the tape without breaking it.
Take off order will be as published. In sequence, the pilot may position
his aircraft as close to the tape, as he wishes and must not take off until
instructed by the marshal (white flag up and down).
Aerodrome pattern
Take off from north deck, left hand circuit (north), climb 1000 ft,
before first line of south deck engine must be switched off, descending circuit
right hand (south), landing on south deck.
The competitor in each class that starts the take off run closest to the
tape (DMIN) and clears
the tape without breaking it will score 250 points. Other competitors
will be awarded scores
based on their distance from the tape at the start of their takeoff run
(DP) relative to DMIN. The competitor will be scored zero if:
- The aircraft commences takeoff before stationary
- The aircraft commences takeoff before instructed to do so by the
- The aircraft fails to fly over the tape
- Any part of the aircraft breaks the tape
Thus the score calculation will be (250 x DMIN / DP) with a maximum
score of 250
TASK 13 18.08,
LANDING, engine off
The objective is for the aircraft to touch down within a marked deck, as
close to the start of the deck as possible.
This task simulates a landing on an aircraft carrier deck, the deck
being a deck 100 meters long and 25meters wide. The first 25-metre section of
the deck is divided into five 5 meter strips which are scored from250 to 50
points as shown. The remainder of the deck scores 25 points. In order to score
the main wheels must touch down in a particular strip (PS) and the aircraft
must come to a complete halt within the 100-metredeck.
The takeoff order will be specified at the task briefing or / and will be
published on official board. Expect first: GL, AL2, AL1, WL2, WL1. Take off is
described in previous task - SHORT
Climbing Circuit: Aerodrome
Take off from north deck, left hand circuit (north), climb 1000 ft,
before first line of south deck engine must be switched off, descending circuit
right hand (south), landing on south deck.
Fly with caution, two aircrafts
in the circuit! Don not make too wide climbing circuits.
Engine to Stop
The aircraft must approach the deck in the landing direction at a height
of 1,000 ft (300m) above the ground). Before passing over the start of the deck
the engine must be switched off. The aircraft must then fly over the full
length of the deck before starting the descending circuit.
Descending Circuit
RIGHT hand – south.
Once the aircraft has started its final approach no deviation of over 90
degrees from the deck centerline either in the air or on the ground is
permitted and the engine must remain at idle or may be switched off. The
aircraft must come to a complete standstill and not move until instructed to do
so by a marshal. Vacate the deck according to marshal`s signals. After vacating
taxi straight ahead a least 200 meters. Before crossing extended line of
starting deck be sure, that nobody is taking off. Crossing via extended line of
departure runway to camp side only BEHIND departing aircraft. One attempt only
and go back to parking camp.
The score will be the value of the strip in which both main wheels touch
down with the ground (PS). Touching down on a dividing line scores the higher
of the two strips.
The pilot will be scored zero if:
- The aircraft commences takeoff before instructed to do so by the
- The engine is not stopped before passing over the deck
- The aircraft does not pass over the entire length of the deck before
turning to descend
- The engine does not remain at idle once final approach has started if
engine idle permitted
- The aircraft turns by more than 90 degrees from the deck centre line
between starting the landing approach and coming to a standstill.
- Any part of the aircraft touches the ground before the deck.
- The aircraft does not stop within the limits of the deck.
- The aircraft moves from the deck before instructed to do so by a
- The aircraft is unable to taxi or take off unaided following the
touchdown although failure to start the engine will not incur a penalty
Short take off over an obstacle
Training task nr 1
Is a navigation with known track, with tracking and timing gates, with photo spotting. Departure and arrival via S point. Take off and landing in deck for practise. To collect the map and photo sheet, ask in main building from 1 PM. Route is more or less 120 km.Training task nr 2
Training task friday
Turn points:
SP – The road viaduct TP6 - monastery
TP1 – Crossroad TP7 – Railway station /make PROCEDURE TURN
TP2 – Crossroad TP8 – crossroad near wood
TP3 – Railway crossing with road TP9 – crossroad in village
TP4 – Railway viaduct ove river TP10 – Road intersection Y/make PROCEDURE TURN
TP5 – castle FP – Crossroad – way to hotel in the wood
From TP1 to TP2 fly along the Road northbound ; from TP3 to TP4 fly along railway, heading North-west; Between TP7 and TP8 find “air object” – connected with flying, mark it on map (100points).
You have to fill in a declaration sheet. Predict your time over TPs and FP and write them in absolute LOCAL TIME (UTC +2hrs) in format hh:mm:ss. You have to leave the declaration before start up your engine.
Follow the given track accurately, whilst spotting the position of photo features and ground markers. The route has known timing gates (KTG) – they will be exactly on TPs. Crews try to pass these accurately on declared times.
Description: length: 160km
Starting procedure: according to start list (will be published in the morning or earlier);
N departure procedure.
Before flight in Quarantine crews will be given:
- Task map
- Declaration sheet
- Photo sheets (photos are true and false)
Important! Don’t forget to leave your declaration sheet . Give it to the marshal before starting up your engine.
Detail description:
Crews fly the given course from SP to FP, identifying the location of photo features and ground markers – which can be anywhere along the entire course, between SP and FP.
There will also be unknown tracking gates anywhere on the course.
The task has known timing gates – all TP. Crews will predict their arrival times at these gates (in absolute Local Time). The task has also unknown timing gates – according to times declared on KTG After crossing FP crews must proceed directly back to the airfield using standard arrival procedure N. Landing in deck, according to landing task sheet.
Standard after landing Navigation task quarantine procedure will apply.
Crossing starting / final gate =100 points
Crossing SP, FP and known / unknown timing gates on time = 100 points – 5 points per second over +/- 5 seconds from calculated / predicted time
Tracking gates passed correctly = 100pts each
Each correctly identified photo feature marked within 3mm on official scoring map = 50 points. If greater than 3mm but less than 5mm = 0 points. If greater than 5mm = -50 points.
Competitor’s score = Q/Qmax x 1000 where: Q= Competitor’s individual accumulated score
Qmax = best individual accumulated score in task/class
Penalties as per generic navigation task penalties.
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